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Last updated: march 3rd 2024
Description: My goal for this project is to make an interactive magic 8 ball. I would like it to shake slightly before giving you a random vague answer to your question.
Thoughts & Feelings:
figuring out how to get the ball to shake when you click a button was harder than i thought and like most things, the answer was more simple than i expected. i feel like i have a better understanding of how html/css/js all interact with each other. i still feel like i have a hard time wrapping my head around how to use varibles in javascript, but i think over time i can force the knowledge to stick.
Here is the link to this project
Last updated: March 4th 2024
description: My goal for this project is to have a color circle in the center. When you hover your mouse over it, the circle will grow. It'll grow to the size of the screen, making the background that color, and a new colored circle will appear repeating the cycle. I think I will have a set number of colors and once you've done it with all of them, you'll get a special message!
Thoughts & Feelings:
i will have to revisit to make it better, but it does what i set out to do (mostly). I had to use setTimeout() a lot, which I still don't think I completely understand. I used it once in the magic 8 ball project, but didn't know what it truly did. I understand it a little better now? every new coding thing i do just makes me more aware of how much i don't know.
Here is the link to this project